Monday, July 5, 2010

Things are different down here

The biggest difference since we crossed the Italian border is what people drink. They still drink beer, but the fact that a beer is way more expensive, while wine is considerably less so, I'd proof that agriculture and priorities are somewhat different down here.

The other difference is that the German dialect these guys speak is sometimes impossible to understand. When they talk to me I understand them, but as soon as they speak to another local, they might as well be speaking Hungarian.

The landscape and hut attitude has changed somewhat, but it is still seriously congenial. We have had a few hard days of hiking, but have felt at home wherever we've stayed.

Petra's brother, Lothar (Lothar, of the hill people.....), has joined us for a couple of days, and he is very tired after the first day. He is, as I write, snoring like a chainsaw, and I am glad that one of us can sleep.

Our room tonight is in a very old house, and it is the coolest room we have stayed in so far. Gotta go, because I have to find a t-shirt to put in Lothar's mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently the water is different as well because your pants shrank, Rob. Oh wait, so did your face. Hey! Who are these people?
